Do you want to make far-reaching transformations?
We live in spaces: built spaces, social spaces, and spaces constructed in other ways. Exceptional spaces emerge from in-depth explorations, from encounters with the unknown, and by discovering the possibilities that might manifest in a place.
Though intangible, social spaces are no less significant than built ones. Their structure and dynamics shape the lives of their participants, governing what is possible within them and what is not. Facilitation is the key that can transform spaces that fail to fulfill their purpose into spaces that enable extraordinary and lasting results. Facilitation, at its best, is a multifaceted and interdisciplinary craft, and studio.gf stands for this level of quality.
I’m Gabriel Fehrenbach, a facilitator, researcher, and writer. I deliver tailor-made transformations and I help my clients achieve their goals more effectively. While my projects cover a wide range of sectors, from community and non-profit to large for-profit organizations, they have two things in common: they are built on trusting relationships, and designed to create lasting and far-reaching change.
studio.gf is my laboratory, a place to explore and experiment. I do this to inspire my clients, improve our craft, and find new ways to meet humanity’s challenges.
Do you want to work with me?
I would be happy to listen and talk to you.